Monday, August 24, 2020
The importance of profound leadership & organization management in Essay
The significance of significant administration and association the board in these redistributing changing occasions - Essay Example In this way, it is important to utilize re-appropriating as an essential accomplice in serious business and subsequently, prevail in them. In this day and age of serious nature and globalizing world, everything is accessible to everybody at the expense of something however the entire world is destroyed with befuddling or twisted arrangements. Be that as it may, what is this world dependent on to get together to the globalization and administrations its contribution Its motherboard is business and business goals complete all wants at some expense. Business has its goals and manners upheld upon by successful administration with ongoing procedures and better authority. Directors utilize astute business procedures to deal with the pay of the organization just as to fulfill clients. The ongoing and notable business system is re-appropriating. Re-appropriating, in short is a subcontract, to an outsider organization. At the end of the day, re-appropriating includes move of procedures of a business capacity to an outer specialist co-op. The re-appropriating is frequently made to bring down firm costs, save vitality or to utilize work, innovation and assets. Fruitful re-appropriating relies on consistency, competency, progression and agreement. Consistency is that the organization ought to get consistent requests; competency is the requirement for the organization to keep up and enroll scholarly people of right standard particularly reasonable to support better redistributing. Congruity is getting re-appropriating contracts normally or probably the customer may search in for some other organization or change its administration perfect itself. Each individual or a worry needs to confront impressive issues. The board Maestros are no exemption to these deadly issues. Additionally similar difficulties mean diverse to different degrees of contenders. Maestros also need to focus on their difficulties and they strike them at various points. One such Maestro is Exxon Mobil, the world's biggest oil organization. It confronted a grave fiasco when the oil big hauler Exxon Valdez struck Bligh Reef on 24th March 1989. Issues like this make the organization devise a few strategies to proceed with their standard procedures and furthermore tackle the test. This requests an incredible activity for the director. Still progressively various was the test that stroke it later, it was its understood inadequacy to handle issues corresponding to re-appropriating and advances. An issue as for economy would simply prompt financial shakiness, however increasingly significant is the issue concerning representative soundness. The organization appeare d to confront difficulties in this front. Dallas, the third biggest city in Texas, has numerous business heads like Exxon Mobil giving work to a huge number of exceptionally talented Dallasites. Some Argentinean bosses who came to Dallas DFOC to get preparing were viewed as being a viable substitute for the Dallasites as they offered to work for about a thirteenth of the pay. This conduct developed into an increasingly significant type of re-appropriating. This redistributing became more grounded with the help of the Dallasite's accomplished staff who prepared the Argentineans. Be that as it may, soon Dallasites started to understand the moving toward mishap, a likely danger of losing their positions. The laborers would betray
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Analyzing Both Sides of the Conflict Theory Essay
Struggle hypothesis was the main radical criminological hypothesis proposed by the researchers during the 1960s (Barkan, p. 254). It especially investigates the job of contentions in class, sexual orientation, and force in the rates of violations in a specific culture. It tells that these contentions are the reasons why individuals perpetrate crimes.â This particular idea restricts the perspective on the accord hypothesis which sees wrongdoing as â€Å"any conduct that disregards criminal law†(Barkan, p. 14). To look at, Conflict hypothesis accepts that a wrongdoing is definitely more perplexing than the primary definition, expecting that individuals don't have similar qualities, convictions, and attitudes. Along these lines, the contention hypothesis gets one of the speculations that are relevant for bigger logical conditions. Indeed, the hypothesis includes a wide scope of territories which makes it separated into sub-classes, for example, radical criminology, peacemaking criminology, radical woman's rights, and left authenticity. (Greek, 2005). These minoritiesâ€the poor, Blacks, Hispanics, to name a fewâ€are being given concentration and significance through the hypothesis. Marx and Engels indicated that equity isn't achievable and is unjustifiably being managed to the minorities. Through the contention hypothesis, a clarification on why minorities engage with wrongdoings is given. The hypothesis clarifies that laws against wrongdoings are made not for the enthusiasm of everybody except just for themselves. Laws are made to serve the enthusiasm of the incredible who realizes that their illicit acts of neglect can possibly get lawful if the laws will be made dependent on their requirements.  This made clash hypothesis sounds increasingly sensible with agreement hypothesis. It has ready to depict the issue with power battles as a wellspring of wrongdoing thought processes that different hypotheses dismissed or missed to see. In any case, defenders of the contention hypothesis likewise got blinded and missed to see a portion of the reactions with respect to the contention. Most importantly, it is said that the contention hypothesis is excessively summed up and accepting with its conversation on the usage of laws in social orders. Laws associated with the anticipation of road violations, for example, theft and murder don't really fill the need of the incredible and disregards the less amazing minorities. Truth be told, such sorts of laws are coordinated to serve the security of everybody, and not only a little level of the individuals. The hypothesis appears to overlook that despite the fact that individuals are distinctive in certain perspectives, they still gangs similar qualities and requirements. In this specific circumstance, all individuals need security for their lives. The laws securing people’s lives couldn't be considered as law ensuring just the interests of the individuals who are in power; it is additionally to serve others. Notwithstanding this analysis, the hypothesis of contention likewise shows a shaky area as far as marking differences. There has been irregularity in the proof of such holes handling how predominant gatherings utilize the law to help their own advantages. Along these lines, the hypothesis, here and there, lose marginally its validity. All things considered, the best quality of the hypothesis is its huge and radical method of investigating the explanation for violations in social orders. These wrongdoings are profoundly established in the skins of the individuals who submit them. Despite the fact that committers of wrongdoing are being treated as modest sort of people, their condition is being ensured by the contention hypothesis. The hypothesis will essentially said that rather than committers, the minorities are survivors of an a lot greater wrongdoing realized by the ground-breaking gatherings to them. The hypothesis, rather than indicting them, is meaning to reason out their fundamental motivation behind why they have done such wrongdoings. Strife hypothesis acts like a legal advisor who safeguards an individual who has legitimate purposes for the wrongdoing he submitted. The legal counselor may need solid and reliable proof to demonstrate the guiltlessness of his customer, yet at the same time, he has faith in the responsibility of the individual. References Barkan, S.E. (2005). Criminology:â Sociological Understanding.â New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Corridor  Bartos, J.O. Wehr, P.E. what's more, Paul Wehr. ( 2002). Utilizing Conflict Theory. New York: Cambridge College Press Greek, C.E. Criminological Theory.â November 2005. Recovered on 4 June 2008. Lenski, G.E. (1966). Force and Privilege: A Theory of Social Stratification. McGraw-Hill. Â
Saturday, July 25, 2020
5 Simple Steps to Writing a Successful Cover Letter
5 Simple Steps to Writing a Successful Cover Letter A cover letter can be the first thing the prospective employer looks at when you apply for a job. While hiring managers tend to spend more time analysing the resume, you can’t just write your cover letter as a side thought. If you can’t capture the imagination of the employer with your cover letter, it’s unlikely they are going to even look at your resume.So, how to write a successful cover letter? The process isn’t rocket science â€" indeed, you just need to take the following five simple steps to succeed. STEP 1: RESEARCH THE JOB LISTING AND THE COMPANYThe most important thing is to tailor your cover letter to the job posting. You don’t want to use a generic letter that you just send to different employers and recruitment agencies â€" a unique and tailored cover letter is always the key to a successful job application.Therefore, the first step of writing a cover letter is all about research. You need to examine the job posting and the organization to ensure you can focus on the right points in your cover letter. This will ensure your cover letter is on-point and answers the question “Why should we hire you?†better.Start your research with the job listing. You want to create a list of qualities and characteristics the employer is looking for and a sense of the kind of responsibilities you would have as part of the job.You can write a simple list of those qualities you find. For example, below is an example of a job posting with the important qualities and keywords highlighted, e .g.:We’re looking for an account director with at least four years of marketing experience, and with the following skills and qualifications:Success in leading a teamBusiness-minded with a comprehensive understanding of financial managementAdvanced communication skills, including experience in public speakingA people person who likes to create new connections and maintain relationshipsExpertise in new media, including social media and online marketingKnowledge of CRM softwareA creative thinker with the ability to think outside the box and conjure fresh ideasNotice how the above example doesn’t include the point about CRM software as something to highlight. This is because knowledge such as that â€" or proficiency in MS Word and so on â€" are better mentioned in the resume. As you’ll see later, the cover letter is better for sharing your skills rather than your work positions or education, for example.You can then expand your investigation to the organization as a whole. You’ re not just applying for a special job position but to be a representative of a specific organization. Therefore, it’s important you understand what the company is trying to achieve and what kind of values it holds.The best place to find this information is the company website. You can often find the company mission statement and vision somewhere under the ‘About’ section. They might even talk about their business values on the website. Note any specific words that come up and the kind of values you see coming through the paragraphs and pages.You could also check out any social media platforms the business has and see if you can get an idea of the values. Job profiles and employee profiles on LinkedIn might also help you get a clearer idea of what it might be like to work for the company and therefore, what kind of values the organization has.STEP 2: CHOOSE YOUR BEST QUALITIESNow that you have a clear understanding of what the employer is looking for, you can start thinking ab out how you match with them. You want to start by outlining your qualifications and characteristics. Focus on finding examples of the skills and qualifications the employer is looking for. In essence, look at yourself in the light of the job. How would you fit the role?Your list might look rather extensive at this point. However, the cover letter is not meant to talk about everything. You want to focus on the most appealing skills and those that highlight your potential value to the organization. So, when you are selecting the best skills and qualities to talk about in your cover letter your focus should be on:Finding what experience, skills and accomplishments in your past best fit what the company is looking for.Exploring your skills, as you can always talk about work experience and positions more on your resume.You can choose five qualities the employer is looking for. The five skills you think are the most important in succeeding in the job. You then want to match those five ski lls with your example â€" you want to create simple sentences about situations or things that highlight you having that special quality.For example, if you look at the job posting above, you might pick communication skills and the experience of public speaking as one skill to talk about. You could then write an example of how you manifest this quality. Perhaps something like this:“I have spoken twice at the Official Graduation Ceremony at University XYZ and I’ve been a debate moderator for the Debating society for past three years.â€â€œI have studied drama in my free time for three years, which has given me great stage presence and tools to communicate effectively.â€STEP 3: WRITE ABOUT YOUR VALUE TO THE COMPANYNow you have an understanding of what the company is looking for and the unique skills and qualifications you have to match that. It’s time to start writing your cover letter with the focus staying on the value you offer to the company.The key is to not just write abou t your skills but to present them in a valuable light to the organization. You’re not just boasting about your talent. You are explaining to the hiring manager why you’d be valuable person to the team because of these skills and past accomplishments.You can start writing by thinking about what the company is looking for. Keep in mind the company mission and its values. While examining these, answer the questions with statements:How do I fit into the company mission and the values? What in my experience, skills and qualifications would make me a good fit?How can I help the company achieve that mission sooner? What in my experience, skills and qualifications would help achieve the mission?How do my experiences translate to the company’s (and my) successes in the future? What in your past shows you’d succeed in the future as well?Here are a few examples sentences you could use as part of your cover letter:“In my current role as Marketing Manager, I’ve been able to increase the client base by 5%.â€â€œMy previous experience in copywriting has resulted in industry awards and I believe I would be a valuable addition to your copywriting team.â€â€œAs part of my studies, I’ve taken courses on industrial marketing which would help me in the position.â€STEP 4: INCLUDE A CALL TO ACTIONBy now, you will have a strong core to your cover letter. You’ve explained your most impressive skills and achievements and how they translate to success in the role in question. You would have shown how valuable you could be to the organization and how you can help them achieve their objectives sooner.At the end of the letter, you need to take agency about the process. The problem in many cover letters is the lack of action â€" candidates often create a job application, send it and then wait for the reply. This is a wrong approach, as you want to stay active even when the decision is technically out of your hands. The more engaged you are, the more it shows how enthusiasti c you are about the role.Therefore, at the end of the letter, you need to include a call to action. This highlights your passion for the role and shows a willingness to go the extra mile in order to get a chance to prove you’re the right candidate for the role.What would a good cover letter call to action look like? You definitely want to offer to either meet the person or to call them at a specific date to discuss your application and role. You don’t necessarily have to wait for them to reply to this call to action but you want to be courteous about it.Therefore, propose to call them in two days and perhaps mention even the time of day you’d be making the call. This allows the person to prepare for the call or respond back to you and propose another time.Here are a few examples of good call to actions to include in your cover letter:“I hope to speak with you and will call you…â€â€œI will be available to meet on…, and will call you prior to organise the meeting.â€â€œTh e opportunity to meet with you to discuss my application would be much appreciated. With this in mind, I will call you…â€STEP 5: EDIT AND PROOFREAD YOUR COVER LETTERFinally, you need to start editing and proofreading your cover letter. The above steps have provided you with a great cover letter to work with. But you can’t just write it down and send it â€" it’s important to refine your points and to ensure you’re not making obvious grammar mistakes.First, start your editing by picking a good format. Here’s a great standard format you can use as you write the cover letter:Begin by mentioning the role and the organization. Include any referral worthy of mentioning. It can also be a good idea to find out how you found out about the role.Use the second paragraph to why your qualifications make you a good candidate for the role. Make sure you don’t list the same things you mention in the resume.In the third paragraph, dig deeper into why the company would benefit from having you on the team. What are the skills you have that would translate into success and which set you apart from the rest of the applicants?Finish with a call to action and thank for the opportunity. Show enthusiasm and mention your contact details.Pay attention to the small, yet important, details when you are writing your cover letter. You want to ensure you are:Addressing the right person â€" You shouldn’t ever start a cover letter with ‘To Whom It May Concern’ but go ahead and find out who is the hiring manager who will read your letter. If it’s not available on the job posting, then check out the company website. You might even call the company’s HR department and ask whom your job application should be addressed to. If you know someone within the company who could give you a reference, you definitely want to mention them in the cover letter.Including all of your (correct) contact details â€" Include as many contact details as possible. This means you should have your ad dress, your phone number (including mobile if that’s the best way to reach you), and your e-mail. If you’re sending a digital version, a link to your LinkedIn profile can be a good addition. Furthermore, if you use professional social media accounts, then link to these as well.Using proper language â€" This means following a proper business etiquette. Include the right greeting and sign off your letter with a common statement, such as ‘Yours sincerelyâ€. Don’t use slang words and pay attention to the grammar.Talking of grammar, you need to spend enough time proofreading your cover letter at the end. Nothing gets your job application rejected quicker than spelling mistakes or improper use of language. It doesn’t give a good impression of you if you can’t write properly!The below YouTube video by The Business Writing Channel has great tips for improving your proofreading. The tips are for general business writing but you can easily apply them to your job application too. As an additional tip, have someone else check out your cover letter. This is not just to point out any mistakes you might have made but to also give you tips for improving the content.You can ask them feedback in terms of how well you’ve aligned your skills with those required for the job and whether you’ve left out something they feel you should have mentioned.THE ROAD TO A SUCCESSFUL COVER LETTERThe above five steps are not rocket science because creating the perfect job application is not impossible. You can perfect your cover letter and resume if you just do your research and take your time.It all boils down to tailoring your cover letter. You have to ensure you understand what the employer is looking for and how your talent and skills can help the employer achieve its vision. You need to showcase your enthusiasm and value to the organization and remember you’re also sending a resume â€" your cover letter can’t and shouldn’t tell everything there is to your story.So, s tart your journey to a successful cover letter by taking the above five steps. You will end up with a concise and great cover letter every time.
Friday, May 22, 2020
Business Essays - Retail Banking Services - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 20 Words: 5877 Downloads: 2 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Business Essay Type Research paper Did you like this example? In recent years retail banking services have universally adopted relationship marketing / customer relationship marketing strategy as their strategic priority; is this justified in the light of experience and current financial service market place. Chapter 1: Introduction 1.1: Introduction Retail Banking is an evergreen business sector and the potential for innovation is limitless. The increased awareness of the bankers that the customers are the back bone of any business and the stiff competition in the banking sector through the increased penetration and expansion of finance and non-finance organizations venturing into this areas of banking has created an awareness that retaining and serving the existing customer is more critical than searching for potential new customers. This report analyses the extent to which the retail-banking sector is deploying the potential of customer relationship marketing strategy as a strategic priority to develop their business and serve the customers. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Business Essays Retail Banking Services" essay for you Create order The report focuses on the fact whether the extensive use of Customer Relationship Marketing strategy in the retail banking sector business is justifiable or not. 1.2: Aim and Objectives The aim of this report is to analyse whether the increased use of Customer Relationship Marketing strategy by the retails banking sector and financial institutions as a core strategy is justifiable or not. This is achieved through the following objectives. To analyse the growth of retail banking sector and the criticality of information in the retail-banking sector and the financials institutions in general. To analyse the effects of using Customer Relationship Marketing strategy and the advantages of Customer Relationship Marketing in mining information in providing a second to none customer service by the banks. 1.3: Background for the study The increased use of Internet banking and numerous tools for customer service by the banks in the UK is the primary reason for the conception of this report. Alongside, the fact that accurate information about the target customers in any business market is the critical factor for the success of an organization is that business sector. Apparently, banking sector is one of the numerous sectors that faces the public on a day-to-day basis and almost every individual in the society is linked with a bank in one form or another which gives the bank an increasing potential to develop their business and investment through identifying potential customers whilst retaining the existing customers. 1.4: Research The research is primarily supported through the use of secondary data like journals, annual reports, textbooks and white papers. The information provided by the journals about the market and the use of Customer Relationship Marketing strategy by ban ks is concrete and the need for funding to conduct market research either through questionnaire or other methods of primary data collection is the reason for choosing the secondary data source. It is worth mentioning that the information contained in the journals and documents are second to none since the academic journals used in their report are from highly reputed institutions, which publishes reports and papers that are world renowned and valued by numerous academicians. 1.5: Scope of the research The research is primarily focused on the banks in the retails banking sector in the UK. The focus group is the market for the banks in the UK and the different needs of the general public like loans, mortgages, deposits etc that the banks try to mine through the Customer Relationship Marketing strategy. 1.6: Chapter Overview Chapter 1: Introduction This is the current chapter that introduces the report objectives to the reader. Chapter 2: Customer Relationship Marketi ng in the UK This chapter presents an analysis of the Customer Relationship Marketing strategy and concepts in the business focusing on the UK business sector in general. The advantages of Customer Relationship Marketing strategy in achieving greater customer service are discussed. This is followed by a brief analysis of the use of Customer Relationship Marketing by the banks in the UK. Chapter 3: Retail Banking sector in the UK In this chapter the growth of retail banking and the importance of information in the Banking sector are analysed. This is followed by an analysis of the increasing competition and the bank’s use of information about customers to enhance customer service and identity new customers in the market. The concept of Customer Relationship Marketing initially presented to the reader in the previous chapter on a general perspective is analysed in light of the retail banking and the use of Customer Relationship Marketing as a core strategy by the banks in UK. The analysis is supported with examples of specific organizations in relevant sections of the chapter. Chapter 4: Conclusion and recommendation In this chapter, the results achieved so far are discussed against the objectives and then a conclusion is derived from this discussion. Furthermore, a few constructive recommendations for further research and analysis in this topic are provided to the reader. Chapter 2: Customer Relationship Marketing in the UK Customer Relationship Marketing is increasingly used by many organizations in the UK. The fact that the customer is the central element of a business is the major reason for the increased use of Customer Relationship Marketing strategy by organizations in order to serve their customers efficiently and effectively. The first section provides a general overview of the Customer Relationship Marketing concept to the reader. 1.2: What is Customer Relationship Marketing? Frances Brassington and Stephen Pettitt (20 03) speak about relationship marketing as â€Å"A form of marketing that puts particular emphasis on building a longer-term more intimate bond between an organization and its individual customers†. This is mainly due to the never-ending battle of retaining the existing customers and to identify new customers for leveraging revenue and gaining competitive advantage. In today’s highly competitive environment the businesses are increasingly using new technologies and infrastructure to create the long-term relationship identified by Frances Brassington and Stephen Pettitt (2003). This form of relationship marketing is much more refined as Customer Relationship Marketing which is the method of identifying and satisfying the customer needs through efficient use of the resources and the customer information maintained by the company in order to establish a strong relationship with the customer and thereby achieving trust among the customers. From the above definition it is ap parent that the concept of Customer Relationship Marketing treats the customer as the primary element for the business and directs all its resources both material and human resource to serve the customer thus gaining competitive advantage in the business. The reason for the increased customer focus in the business is due to the simple fact that a customer is the end user of the product developed by the company and above all the source of revenue for the company, which can be generated only through effective sales and service. This is also intensified further due to the increased competition and the availability of a wide range of products to choose for the customer. The primary focus of Customer Relationship Marketing is on the customer information that the company holds which is analysed for in the light of the company’s goals, vision and mission in order to decide on how efficiently to serve the target customer by the company. This is vital for the reason that the accura te information about the target customer segment is the primary element for the success in the company’s venture in the business either new or existing. 1.3: Customer Service Since the concept of Customer Relationship Marketing embraces customer service, a brief overview of customer service is presented in this section. Philip Kotler (1988) says that the customer forms the backbone of any business. Alongside, it is also well known that customer service is not only for selling the product but the after sales service is what that actually counts in the service of the customers. The effective customer service as identified by Philip Kotler (1988) is mainly thorough improving timeliness in sales support and also by keeping the promise that was made to the customer at the time of sales. Alongside the critical associated with the servicing is costs associated with the services provided by the company to meets its customer needs and requirements. Apparently, a company canno t spend all of its revenue to customer service. Thus the need to maintain the balance between the efficient service and costs associated with the services provided is vital for the company’s success. Frances Brassington and Stephen Pettitt (2003) have identified the following as the three critical factors to be considered while designing the customer service strategy. Customer needs: The needs of the customer are the primary element for a company to promote its products to the customer in that target market. The need of the customer is also the primary factor customer to conduct search for the products that meets his/her needs. Customer situation: The situation of the customer is another critical factor while designing a product, which is essential to identify the customer’s affordability and his/her perception of the production the market. The situation is not only to analyse the customer situation but also to design the effective pricing strategy to me et the customer demands along with the plans to diversify the product range in order to reach more than one target segment of the market based on the quality and price of the products. Any special requirements for customers Special requirements for the customer vary with the kind of product being sold and the need of the customer with that product. In the banking sector for example, a customer applying for a personal loan may like the monthly payments to be charged from his account on a specific date of every month. This level of customisation apparently allows the bank to serve the customer more effectively as well as retain the customer by providing him/her with the desired amount of loan in this instance. The potential of information and knowledge about the customers and the requirements is the key for customizing the service. The three factors mentioned above can be identified only through efficient market research and knowledge of the customer and the target market. Th is is mainly through treating the information as a vital element for the business. The concept of Customer Relationship Marketing envisages the customer requirements and potential in new target markets through the efficient analysis of the information held by the company about its customer and markets. Alongside, the cost issues associated with the customer service is also drastically reduced with the Customer Relationship Marketing strategy because of the fact that the company initially identifies the right customer for its business and products through the Customer Relationship Marketing concept and thus the customer identified can be served effectively in the first instance itself such that the costs associated with the after sales service that arises mainly due to defects and problems faced by the customer due to purchasing the wrong item from the market is reduced drastically. 1.4: Market Information and its role in Business In today’s competitive environment marke t information is critical for the successful promotion of a company’s product. This includes the banking sector as well where the target market is the personal bankers and individuals with a variety of needs. A company in order to maintain effective Customer Relationship Marketing strategy must gain information about its customers, their level of spending and other aspects of their purchase that will benefit the company by customizing the products much more to meet the needs of the customer. The customer information is collected through various methods or research and also through the use of Information Technology to acquire customer information. The customer information can be effectively gained while conducting the sales and receiving payments for the products sold. The use of Electronic Point of Sale (EPOS) in the retail sector for processing payments as well as to communicate the company’s new products to the customer is one such are to gain information about the m arket and the customer spending levels in the target market. Identifying the right customer is primarily through effective market research and identifying the potential markets for the company’s products. A bank for example in order to identify its customers must initially research on where to sell its products and then identify its customers through the information gained in the market research. The fact that Customer Relationship Marketing is mainly to promote the products of an organization to its target customers by identifying the customer need and relating it to its products and services makes Customer Relationship Marketing an essential element for a successful business. The Customer Relationship Marketing in the banking perspective is analysed in detail in the next chapter. 1.5: Why Customer Relationship Marketing? From the above discussions we find that the concept of Customer Relationship Marketing is very beneficial for a company’s prosperity and al so fact that the business development in new areas is possible through efficient Customer Relationship Marketing in the target markets. But the question why do we need Customer Relationship Marketing is addressed in this section briefly. 1.5.1: Competition The increase in the competition in the UK business markets in the primary reason for the growth of Customer Relationship Marketing. The competition in the market is nearing the point of saturation due to the increase in number of competitors and the increasing awareness among the consumers about products and services. Apparently, a new means of identifying the potential customer in the market and conducting business is critical in the day-to-day business through customisation and quality or service. The financial services sector in the UK alone has seen a tremendous increase in competition with the expansion of non-financial organizations like retail store chains and other business organizations venturing into banking servic es through own brand credit cards, personal loans, insurance, etc. The competition in the market can be faced only through the effective employment of the information held by the competitors. 1.5.2: Innovation and Growth in Technology Through continuous innovation, the competitors in the UK business markets have invaded its customers through new products and services. The innovation level has also reached a level of saturation that the competitors are now depending on technology to leverage more potential in gaining the customer information so as to present their products in a more customised manner. Alongside, the growth in technology and especially information technology and its expansion in numerous areas of business has also created the opportunity for the organizations in the increasingly competitive environment to leverage the potential of information to identify new business markets and hence reach new customers. The result of the strive for the competitors to deploy th e information more effectively in order to create a long term relationship with the customers has resulted in the conception of the Customer Relationship Marketing concept. 1.5.3: Internet and the competition from e-business The growth of Internet and online shopping portals were the first in the business to harness the potential of customer information to reach new markets and expand business. The Internet has broken the traditional barriers of shopping and business itself thus revolutionizing the entire concept of sales and marketing. A statistical Review conducted by Keynote says that the customers purchasing online have increased tremendously since 2001 and the growth is unlimited. The reason for the tremendous growth is that the organizations selling online acquire critical information about the customer’s likes and dislikes and send them with regular updates of their products, which suits their needs. The growth of Amazon especially through promoting their product s by presenting the customer with a short list of related products and continuous e mail updates is the classical example for the success of the deployment of customer information in the current business market that is highly competitive with target customers having a volatile mindset in deciding to purchase a product or service from a given organizations. In the banking and financial services sector in the UK, the growth of internet banking and the increase in customers applying online for financial services like insurance, loans, etc., has created a need for the bankers in the UK to practise Customer Relationship Marketing in order to identify the needs of the customer as well as attract new customers. In the next chapter this is dealt with in more detail with respect to the retail banking and the financial services market as a whole. 1.6: Product customisation: The increase in competition in business has forced the competitors in the UK business markets to present more a nd more customised products to meet their customer needs in order to retain the existing customer as well as identify potential new customers. The customisation of a product will be successful only through the efficient collection and deployment of the customer information and market information captured by the company. Again the cost issues associated with the customisation and the success of the customized product need the vital information about the customer needs and target market. In banking sector for example a customized loan offer or any other financial service offer is introduced only after extensive research in the market in order to successfully meet the customer needs in the target market. 1.7: Conclusion: From the above discussions in this chapter it is evident that for achieving success and gaining competitive advantage in a business sector, the competitors are increasingly using the potential of customer information and adopting Customer Relationship Marketin g strategy to reach potential customers with their products as well as to retain their existing customers. Apart from the competition, the information gained also helps the organization to customize its products and services to its target customers in order to successfully promote the new products and services and effectively allocate its investments for service and production. In the next chapter the Customer Relationship Marketing concept in the light of banking and financial sector is analysed in order to establish whether or not the increasing use Customer Relationship Marketing strategy by the retail banks as a core strategy is justifiable. Chapter 3: Retail Banking sector in the UK The retail banking in the UK has seen tremendous growth in the past few decades. From only a handful of competitors in the 1950s, the banking sector in the UK now consists of many big players like Barclays, HSBC and numerous other banks that are operating at national and international markets. In the next section an overview of the growth in the banking sector especially the increase in the potential and the diversity of products are presented to the reader. 3.1: The growth of retail banking The banking sector in the UK has a century old tradition for serving its customers and stability in the business surviving through the world wars. From the late years of the twentieth century, the banking sector has seen tremendous growth in the UK. The traditional service of lending and deposits have changed into customised services and grown into many new areas of finance especially in the insurance sector as well as expanded the scope of their existing business through continuous customisation and innovation in their products and services offered. This is apparently due to the increased competition and the growing potential of the UK markets for credit cards and personal loans. The tremendous growth of the UK retail-banking sector is evident from its value in the whole Europ ean commercial banking market. The UK banking sector alone accounts for 23.9 % of the European commercial banking sector (Data monitor industry analysis on commercial banking sector of UK, 2003), which proves that the UK banking sector is growing tremendously. The report further says that the competition in the banking retail-banking sector is intense and the leading companies in the sector are Barclays Plc and HSBC Holdings Plc. A few examples of the Customer Relationship Marketing strategies and the timely execution of the business strategy by these companies are discussed in later sections. The keynote (2003) market report on personal banking says, â€Å"Personal banking is no longer a market exclusively occupied by banks†. This is obviously because of the entry of new competitors from other segments of the financial markets like the insurance companies venturing into the credit cards and personal loans market. Apart from the competition from other financial organizatio ns there is potential growth in the banking industry with the entry of many retailers entering into the banking sector through insurance and other personalised services. This increase in the market potential and the competition in the market proves the tremendous growth of the banking sector in the UK and the penetration of other business sectors into the banking sector which makes it very clear that the traditional process of banking in the counters is long gone and the current banking industry is invaded by competitors from various segments of business other than the actual banks themselves. The process of banking itself has changed tremendously from the trivial paper based banking that was common in the 1970s and the 1980s into electronic banking system with the advent of plastic payment options through debit cards and credit cards and the Automated Teller Machines that can vend cash to the account holders like any other trivial vending machine in the high street. These areas along with the tremendous growth of technology has forced the traditional banks to meet the competition through the efficient use of Information Technology and other innovations in communications like the satellite communications, broadband, etc for the enhanced service to its customers in order to retain the existing customers as well as attract new customers to the banks. The growth in the banking process has primarily concentrated in enhancing the services offered to the customers rather than just treating the customers on the basis of their request on a case-by-case basis, which was the traditional way of banking system in the UK. Alongside, it is worth mentioning, that the innovation has primarily focused on easing the process of banking itself though introducing different channels of payments and also the plastic payment option on the internet and at retail stores which has increased security in transactions as well as prevents the customer from the risk of carrying large a mounts of cash with them for shopping which was the case a few decades ago. From the above arguments, it is clear that the retail-banking sector has seen tremendous growth in the past decade and still growing with the increase in the number of competitors and the diversity of the competing organizations. In the next section, a brief analysis of the competition in the banking industry is presented to the reader before proceeding to the analysis of information and its critical nature in the banking sector. 3.2: competition and competitors in the retail-banking sector The retail-banking sector of the UK in the twenty-first century comprises of not only the banks but also competition from other financial organizations and non-financial organizations. The increase in the credit rich market of the UK citizens as well the increased borrowing of the customers has created vast potential for personal finance which is the primary reason for the venture of other organizations in to ret ail banking. The examples of such competition in the market include the personal finance and loans introduced by TESCO Plc and Asda Plc (A Wal Mart group of company) who are retail superstore chains by business. Alongside, the venture of insurance firms such as Norwich Union are increasingly competing with the high street bankers in the personal loans, savings and other financial services. Apart from the competition on the high street, the competition from the Internet bankers is another potential hurdle for the high street bankers. The increase in the Internet users and the potential of online banking systems eliminating the paper-base trivial banking service eventually increasing the speed of the processing as well as providing customised service to the customers is a major competition to the high-street bankers. Apparently, the web presence and online banking facilities provided by the high street bankers may be an answer to the competition but still the potential of the on line customers and the ability to retain a customer over the internet banks is very difficult. 3.3: The potential of information and the Customer Relationship Marketing strategy From the arguments in the above sections we see that the banking sector is tremendously growing and the potential of the financial services offered is immense along with competition that is increasing in geometric progression. Apparently, the competitors in the retail-banking sector rely on the potential of information in order to compete in the market. From the discussions in chapter 2 it is clear that the accurate information about the target market and the customers is essential for a successful venture in the business. The banking sector with the increasing competition relies heavily on the potential of information to customize its products and services to reach new customers as well as retain the existing customers. The increased use of information to mine the consumer requirements is increa sing the banking sector. A classical example is the announcement low rate personal loan offer by HSBC bank Plc, in the UK. The bank offered loans at the lowest possible interest rate of a high street bank during the New Year season, which is when a lot of people spend money on purchasing presents and extensive shopping. The strategy of the bank to keep the low rate offer open only to existing customers enabled the bank to attract new customers who were primarily interested in the low interest rate personal loans. Another example is that of Barclays Bank Plc which encourages its customers to choose online and telephone banking in order to speed up the processing time as well improve the service to the customers. The bank through encouraging its customers for telephone banking not only leverages a market share in the electronic banking sector but also effectively reduces the costs involved with the customer service since the bank need not employ a lot of people at the high street b ranches to serve its customers as well as reduce the expenditure on resources like stationeries etc. It is worth mentioning that both the afore mentioned banks have Internet banking facility and provide services for online bill payments as well as performing several transactions for the customers in a very secured and safe manner. A notable feature of the Barclays telephone banking system with the pass code is that the automated telephone banking system enables the customer to perform the transactions as well pay bills through the phone without even waiting to be served by a representative over the phone. This eventually reduces the costs associated with the service since the personnel employed by the bank is still lesser. Alongside, the rival HSBC has outsourced its call centres to India and has a vast human resource under its command to serve the customers in the UK. The bank serves it customers over the phone quickly and efficiently and the outsourcing of the call centre to In dia has saved the company a huge part of their costs since the labour costs is less in India when compared to UK. The above two examples prove that the high street banks in the UK are increasingly using the Customer Relationship Marketing strategy not only to introduce new products but also to improve customer service. The increased use of Internet banking and the electronic services of the banks in the high street is a very good example for this argument. Apart from the afore mentioned facts the customers are served by the retail banks on other channels like the local branch banking, web transactions and customer service centres that provide efficient customer service. 3.4: Diverse Range of products The concept of customisation and diversity in the products are only successful when they are implemented targeting on the right segment of customers. The banks both on the high street and over the Internet offer numerous customized products for attracting the customers as we ll as improving the customer service in order to retain the existing customers. The introduction of loans for more personalised reasons like car loans, housing loans, etc on top of the personal loans, mortgage services and other financial services provided by the banks both over the internet and at the high streets justifies the arguments that the banks are increasingly customizing and diversifying their products in order to reach new customers as well as server the existing customers. This is achieved only through the efficient use of the customer information gathered by the Customer Relationship Marketing strategy and associated support systems by the competing banks (both traditional and new entrants). Alongside, the banking services provided by the retailers like TESCO, is primarily based on the information they gathered and accumulated over the years of service in the retail industry and identify the potential for the right kind of financial service to the attract its cus tomers to the financial services as well. The fact that the idea of branding and the brand loyalty of the UK customers is the major factor for the venture of these organizations into personal finance. TESCO Plc is ranked number one among the retail superstore chains in the UK thus establishing itself as a retail brand among its customers. This brand image of TESCO supported by the information of its customer and target markets has given the organization the necessary information to venture into the financial services sector thus becoming a potential competitor to the traditional high street banks in the UK. The above arguments make it clear that the Customer Relationship Marketing strategy is widely deployed by the competitors in the retail-banking sector. Alongside, it is also evident that the increased level of customisation and customer service is achieved though the efficient use of the information gathered and deployed by the Customer Relationship Marketing strategy. In the next chapter, the justification whether of not to have Customer Relationship Marketing strategy as a core strategy in the banks is discussed followed by the conclusion. Chapter 4:Conclusion and Recommendation The discussions conducted so far in this report is analysed against the objective of the report in order to create a profound understanding among the readers. The objectives of the report are Objective1: To analyse the growth of retail banking sector and the criticality of information in the retail-banking sector and the financials institutions in general. From the analysis in the chapter 1 on Customer Relationship Marketing it is evident that the companies in the UK business sectors are increasingly involving in diversification and customisation of their products and services in order to reach target customers and new markets. This is primarily due to the relationship marketing technique adopted by the companies where the customer is treated as a primary element fo r business and the information about the customer is treated as vital asset for the company. The companies increasingly deploy the Customer Relationship Marketing strategy to achieve competitive advantage. This is obviously through the effective use of information gathered by the companies to develop its business and meet the competition through effective Customer Relationship Marketing strategy. Objective 2: To analyse the effects of using Customer Relationship Marketing strategy and the advantages of Customer Relationship Marketing in mining information in providing a second to none customer service by the banks. The effects of using the Customer Relationship Marketing strategy by the banks has increased the competition in the retail banking sector with participants from various sectors of business other than the traditional banks. The ability to identify the customer needs through research and with the help of an effective Customer Relationship Marketing strategy the compet itors provide customised and second to none customer service to the customers. This is primarily to retain the existing customers as well as attract new customers. Alongside, the examples of the Barclays and HSBC proves that the Customer Relationship Marketing strategy is vital for the business in the retail banking sector and the fact that the customer information and effective market research leverages the organizations to implement an efficient Customer Relationship Marketing strategy to meet the customer needs and provide effective customer service. 4.1: Conclusion From the discussions of the objectives it is evident that the Customer Relationship Marketing strategy is a vital element for achieving competitive advantage in the retail-banking sector. Alongside, with the increase in the competition and the threat from the new entrants in to the retail banking industry, the need to retain the existing customer through effective customer service as well as attract potential cu stomers is vital for surviving in the business. Thus the continued use of the Customer Relationship Marketing strategy by the retail banking organizations as a core strategy for leveraging competitive advantage is inevitable. Apparently, the Customer Relationship Marketing strategy plays a vital role in the business development as well as expands to new markets, which makes it essential to have the Customer Relationship Marketing strategy as a core strategy in the retail-banking sector. 4.2: Recommendations The retail bankers in today’s UK market are extensively using the information technology products that are sold specifically for the purpose of achieving Customer Relationship Marketing in the business. Apparently, the companies misunderstand the fact that the software and hardware infrastructure so purchased does the process on its own without any strategy designed and deployed by the company. This eventually results in poor performance of the products installed and hence the Customer Relationship Marketing strategy will not be efficient. The surge in the banking sector during the IT barrier period (fall of dot com companies in the late 1990s) is a classical example for this argument. Furthermore, the data monitor analysis of the banking sector of the UK (2003) reveals that the potential for loans and advances in the UK is immense and the revenue generated accounts for 54.2% of the banking sector total revenue. Apparently, the above statistics is viable only through efficient Customer Relationship Marketing that the retail bankers are deploying in the present. Thus it is recommended that the Customer Relationship Marketing strategy must not only be considered as a core business strategy but also to focus on the critical nature of information and data mining in order to develop the business in new areas of finance as well as gain market share in the existing business segments. References: Books: Frances Brassington and Stephen Pettitt, 2003, Principles of Marketing, Prentice Hall Financial Times, third edition. Gerry Johnson and Kevan Scholes, 2001, Exploring corporate Strategy Fourth Edition, Prentice Hall of India Private Limited, India Philip Kotler, 1988, Marketing Management Analysis, Planning, Implementation and Control, Prentice Hall Inc, New Jersey. Michael de Kare-Silver, 1997, Strategy in Crisis why Business urgently needs a completely new approach, Macmillan Business, Macmillan Press Ltd, London. Journals: CREATING A SEAMLESS CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE, Case Study: CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT, BearingPoint, 1676 International Drive McLean, VA 22102 DATAMONITOR, commercial Banking in the United Kingdom: Industry Profile, October 2003, Data monitor, UK Dennis Callaghan,2004, CRM tools tackle integration, eWEEK APRIL 26, 2004 Joseph O. Chan, 2005, Toward a Unified View of Customer Relationship Management, The Journal of American Academy of Business, Cambridge March 2005 Jean Etherton, 2003, Market Assessment 2003, Personal Banking, First Edition, Key Note Plc, UK Isla Gower, 2004, market Assessment 2004: Electronic Banking, Third Edition, Key Note Plc, UK Noor Raihan Ab Hamid, E-CRM: Are we there yet?, 2005, The Journal of American Academy of Business, Cambridge March 2005 Peter B. Southard and Keng Siau, 2004, A Survey of Online E-Banking Retail Initiatives, COMMUNICATIONS OF THE ACM October 2004/Vol. 47, No. 10 ROTOMAIL USES KX KDB DATABASE FOR RETAIL MARKETING, 2005, Worldwide Databases, Jan2005, Vol. 17, Issue 1, Worldwide Databases, Jan2005, Vol. 17 Issue 1, pN.PAG, 1pItem: 15503189 WERNER REINARTZ, MANFRED KRAFFT, and WAYNE D. HOYER, 2004, The Customer Relationship Management Process: Its Measurement and Impact on Performance, Journal of Marketing Research, Vol. XLI (August 2004), 293–305
Friday, May 8, 2020
The Chicago Department Of Public Health - 786 Words
The Chicago Department of Public Health exemplifies a public health department that is extremely proactive and supportive of initiatives to eradicate or significantly decrease the incidence of HIV in the City of Chicago. To this end, the Chicago Department of Health monitors the incidences of new cases in the city, while constantly monitoring the progression or regression of the conditions of patients already affected by the HIV virus. Statistical data is collected through the avenue set up for health care providers to report all pertinent information about newly diagnosed HIV or an unusual turn of events with old HIV cases. furthermore, the Chicago Department of Public health ( CDPH) through its monitoring programs is able to identify threats, determine which health care services are need in a community and the target population. For example, in the month of November, their target segments were gays and bisexual African American men because both groups were disproportiona tely impacted by the HIV outbreak during the previous summer. Impressively, the CDPH has links to addresses where HIV testing is done free of charge and reports are confidential. Most importantly, the result is shared with the department to help the department further enhance the efficiency of the HIV task force of the CDPH. Furthermore, the CDPH is very efficient in the dissemination of information either through links on their website, advertisement, or pamphlets to name a few. Moreover,Show MoreRelatedThe Chicago Department Of Public Health767 Words  | 4 PagesThe Chicago Department of Public health exemplifies a public health department that is extremely proactive and supportive of initiatives to eradicate or significantly decreasing the incidence of STI/HIV /AIDS in the City of Chicago. 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In addition, the paper depicts how the Chicago Department of Public Health (CDPH) has been able to incorporate the 10 essential public health services in its fight against HIV disease. The paper will discuss the assessment of the HIV disease situation in Chicago neighborhoods; policy development by the Chicago Department of Public Health and the assurance that Read MoreChicago Population Study Essay125 1 Words  | 6 Pagesconcern on the health-event patterns in the contemporary society. The rise in population has as a result generated several issues that need to be addressed since population increase can lead to neglect of some important health issues. The rise is due to increase in the number of birth rate, decrease in the mortality rate and improvement in health services among others (Sinai Urban Health Institute, 2001). 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Capone gradually came to symbolize all the criminal evils of prohibition; to many throughout t he world, he became the symbol of a lawless nation#. Publicity grew
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Connection to the World Free Essays
A male Emperor penguin struggles to keep his egg warm as the harsh, icy, wind blows around him on the vast icy tundra. A group of penguins huddled at his back are struggling to do the same as they wait for their female mates to return from a two month hunting trip. The scene then switches to a news reporter speaking on the Issue of North Korea and the recent threats to attack the U. We will write a custom essay sample on Connection to the World or any similar topic only for you Order Now S. With nuclear-tipped missiles. If not through television, how else would a regular person witness the majesty of the emperor penguin on a snowy tundra or learn of the threats coming room North Korea? Not all people have Internet, but most do have cable television. Television Is more beneficial than harmful In that It offers entertainment and a respite for the everyday hardworking person and a safe way experience certain life situations. Television Is educational, circulates Information, and provides relaxation. The first reason television Is beneficial Is because It can be educational. Children’s shows today prove statement. For example, shows Like Dora the Explorer and IN Hay Kale-Lana are teaching the younger generation new foreign languages such as Spanish ND Chinese. From my own personal experience working at a pediatrician’s office where the television was constantly playing shows like In Hay Kaolin and from sitting there with it playing in the background for so long, I ended up learning a lot of words in Mandarin and I wasn’t even paying attention. How much more can children learn when they actually are interested and watching? In addition to teaching younger children other languages shows like Sesame Street, teach children the basics in our own English language, colors and letters. In fact, most cartoon shows roved â€Å"life lessons†through their stories varying from â€Å"don’t lie†to teaching a child the value of friends and family. Another great example is the show Wishbone. This show gets children familiar with famous literature or folklore. Wishbone was a television show which aired from 1995 to 1998 that featured a Jack Russell Terrier. The main character, a talking dog named Wishbone, lives with his owner Joe Tallboy in the fictional modern town of Cockade, Texas. As he tends to daydream about being the lead character of stories from classic literature, drawing parallels between the Tories and events in the lives of Joe and his friends, he was known as â€Å"the little dog with a big imagination†. The show follows his daydreams, as Wishbone acts out a famous story from literature or folklore. †However, television isn’t educational just for the younger crowd; shows for adults have become more complex and Intricate. Television series shows today require a lot more attention and are more cognitively demanding than they once were. To understand the a majority of the television shows today, one would have to make Inferences and follow multiple story lines and rack shifting social relationships. In Dalton to Glenn our minds a little â€Å"exercise†, television allows the everyday person to safely witness and experience a multitude of life experiences they normally wouldn’t be able to which In turn, teaches. There are also educational shows such as National Geographic, which allows people to see and learn about other places In the world they normally would not have been able to afford to visit themselves. But Animal Planet and National Geographic aren’t the only beneficial channels: network teen dramas can serve as a free sex-deed lesson for teens. N unintended pregnancy said they would be more likely to practice safe sex, a study from the University of California Santa Barbara found. This is an example of being able to witness and in a way, experience a life situation safely with no sacrifice. Television isn’t Just educational; it’s a way of effectively circulating information. Television is a medium of mass communication. Through news channels such as CNN and FOX news, the public is made aware of situations and politics from around the world. It allows people to become involved and aware of other cultures. However, those traditional news channels do hold back information at times due to professional constraints and what is or isn’t appropriate. In his essay â€Å"Fake†News versus â€Å"Real†News as Sources of Political Information, Jeffrey Jones provides evidence to prove that mainstream Journalism is in a state of crisis such as the fact that the mainstream news media is in a certain agreement with the government on what to and not to release to the public. The authenticity of the content is questionable because a majority of the information is manipulated. Late night talk shows, otherwise known as â€Å"fake†news shows, such as The Daily Show makes certain unreleased video clips relevant by pointing out how to interpret and read a person through them. For example one video clip of former president George W. Bush showed his tendency to lie, or in another video clip showed Seeker’s inability to commit to anything. I do agree that these videos hold relevance and that no information should be withheld from the public. Finally, in addition to being educational and circulating news, television provides relaxation and respite from hectic everyday life. It’s a small mental getaway, of sorts, when a real vacation is not affordable (whether the currency is time or money). It is a way to relax without being bored. Like I mentioned before, television allows people to safely experience and witness certain situations. For instance, under normal circumstances would a person get a chance to witness and be part of a zombie apocalypse? One would hope not, but the exhilaration and entertainment a television show like The Walking Dead can provide, without being harmed is priceless. It’s a chance to space out for a while and be in another world. Many people know of the excitement one feels when a new episode of a favorite television is being released, it almost feels like a holiday when that Joyous moment arises where all the questions from the previous episode are answered. It’s a time where people can forget their problems and be part of another world. Television cable series shows are getting more and more popular these days, for instance Showtime Dexter was able to draw in 2. 4 million viewers for the premiere of its seventh season, Hobo’s Troubled with nearly 5. 1 million viewers who tuned in for the premiere of the third season, Mac’s Breaking Bad with a total of 3. Million viewers for the premiere of the fifth season, and many more popular television series are cable television shows On the physical level, studies have shown that people who were watching TV reported feelings passive and relaxed. The EGG studies show less mental stimulation, as measured by alpha brainwave production, during viewing than during reading. In Cubebs article â€Å"Television Addiction is No Mere Metaphor†, he mentions â€Å"a body at rest tends to stay at rest†(124) However, the sense of relaxation ends when the set is turned off, but the feelings of passivity and ordered alertness continue. Enough credit for all its benefits. It can teach, inform and entertain. It’s a method of getting away from the world for a little while. In addition it helps us all connect to each other. How to cite Connection to the World, Papers
Monday, April 27, 2020
The Ten Plagues scientific Explanations Essay Research free essay sample
The Ten Plagues ( scientific Explanations ) Essay, Research Paper The Ten Plagues of Egypt The Ten Plagues affected the Ancient Egyptians pitilessly. All their H2O turns to blood, the land becomes infested with toads, so lice. There is no visible radiation for three yearss. It got reasonably bad for the Egyptians. Somehow, it did non impact the Israelites for one ground or another. It is ill-defined nevertheless, when, and under whose reign these pestilences took topographic point. There is really small, if any, scientific grounds back uping the theory that these pestilences truly did take topographic point. Assuming they did happen, this is the scientific account to all 10s. The first pestilence was the pestilence of blood. All of the H2O in Egyptian Wellss, pools, canals, The Nile, everything, all? turned to blood, ? therefore was killing all the animate beings populating in the H2O. The more realistic theory is that there was an overpowering copiousness of ruddy algae. We will write a custom essay sample on The Ten Plagues scientific Explanations Essay Research or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Red algae reproduces and respirates. Had this peculiar season been a good 1 for the ruddy algae population, it could hold reproduced at an extremely high rate, hence taking up room and devouring all the O in the H2O. This would hold led to the deceasing off of all the H2O animate beings. The 2nd pestilence was of toads. There were Millions of toads, in houses, on the land, all over Egypt. They were sent by God to acquire in the Egyptian? s manner and do life hard. Or? the copiousness of ruddy algae, which led to the decease of all the marine life, which so led to an addition of the fly population. Since nature has a manner of equilibrating things out, more toads were born to take attention of the fly population. An hyperbole of the earnestness of this pestilence through clip makes up for the toads literally everyplace. The 3rd pestilence was an epidemic of lice. They, life the toads, were all over. These lice varied in size. There were large lice, little lice, and uneven lice or two. What must hold happened here, was chiefly an hyperbole, but besides due to the dead carnal scene. The Egyptians had no thought how to free themselves of the lice, so they stayed for a piece deceasing of one cause or another. The 4th pestilence was that of wild animals, king of beastss, Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelams, wolves, etc. these must hold besides been brought on by the dead marine life. The animate beings catch air current of an? all you can eat knock about? ant they come a running. Once the free nutrient beginning had dried up, the wild animate beings left. The 5th pestilence was plague. The cowss, sheep, donkeys and all else, were overcome with disease and unable to reproduce, give milk, stay alive, etc. The cause of this was most likely due to the presence of lice. They spread disease from animate being to animal. Therefore doing everything to acquire ill and hence conveying on the following pestilence. Skin disease, was the following pestilence in a line of many. Bumps and furuncles broke out among the people. This was most likely brought on from the feeding of poorly-kept and morbid meat. What do you eat when all your farm animal falls victim to disease? The reply is the least septic meat. Least infected doesn? t average clean. In short: the people ate, the people got ill. The 7th pestilence was of hail. It poured and poured and didn? Ts allow up. This is caused by atmospheric force per unit area alterations. Even though it is a hot desert country in Egypt, It has been known to acclaim, same trade everyplace else in the universe. This hail destroyed the Egyptians harvests and houses, killed farm animal, people, and anything else that would decease. Plague figure eight was that of the locusts. God called upon them to devour the metropolis alive. Locusts are teeming, winging animals whose lone intents in life are to eat, do babes, and dice ; all of which they are really good at. Locusts become a job yearly, but it? s merely for a short period of clip. In this little sum of clip nevertheless, they will literally eat the apparels off of your dorsum. This is non a godly effort, this kind of thing happens all over the universe all the clip. The 9th pestilence was darkness. It was wholly dark everyplace. The Egyptians didn? T know weather it was twenty-four hours or dark. This can most probably be blamed on a entire occultation. This would do it so there was no Moon to be seen, no Sun to be seen, fundamentally, nil to be seen. Again, it happens from clip to clip. You wear? Ts have to do any Gods angry for this to go on, you merely have to wait a few old ages. The ten percent and concluding pestilence was the murder of the eldest kids. By the Godhead? s edict, every first born must decease at midnight. In other words the Pharaoh wanted everyone to believe in merely one God while at the same clip diminishing the ill population. This led to the slaughtering of little farm animal and here we are back at pestilence figure five. Finally, the Judaic slaves are set free after the Pharaoh proves his point and that is the terminal of the Ten Plagues. These scientific accounts are lone hypotheses of what happened. How the Jews weren? T affected, simple? The Judaic Slaves? nutrient supply was most likely kept offprint from the Egyptians? nutrient supply. If you noticed, most all of the pestilences somehow related back to the nutrient supply. The Jews likely weren? T permitted to utilize the easy accessable H2O supply, so they were forced to recover their H2O from someplace far from the algae-infested H2O that the Egyptians got theirs from.
Thursday, March 19, 2020
Free Essays on How Languages Are Learned
and sentences that have multiple meanings. Gives kids access to word jokes, trick questions, riddles  · Simultaneous bilinguals: learn and hear more than one language from birth on  · Sequential bilinguals: learn second language later  · Subtractive bilinguals: cut off from family language as they are emerged in the second language. Children are caught because they have not had time to master the first language Developmental Sequences  · Grammatical morphemes: o Roger brown said that they develop in sequences (5) kids who have mastered the bottom of the list was sure to have mastered the top. o Order of acquisition o Longitudinal study: over a period of time  · Negation: learn to deny, reject, disagree with and refuse something o Stage one: first neg, usually expressed by the word â€Å"no†in a simple sentence o Stage 2: utterances g... Free Essays on How Languages Are Learned Free Essays on How Languages Are Learned HOW LANGUAGES ARE LEARNED CHAPTER 1: LEARNING A FIRST LANGUAGE  · Infants are able to hear subtle differences between sounds of human language  · By end of one year they can understand a few frequently used words. They can produce a couple of words that are recognizable  · By age 2, 50 words, and combine these words into simple sentences o Mommy juice o Telegraphic sentences: the leave out many auxiliary verb, articles, prepositions, etc. o They are recognized as sentences even though function word and grammatical morphemes are missing, the word order reflects the language they are hearing  · By age 3-4, most children ask questions or give commands, report real events, and create stories about imaginary ones-complete with correct grammatical morphemes.  · By 4 children have mastered the basic structures of the language  · Metalinguistic awareness: the ability to read language as an object, separate from the meaning it conveys-develops more slowly. Major metalinguistic awareness occurs when kids learn to read.  · MA includes the discovery of things such as ambiguity- words and sentences that have multiple meanings. Gives kids access to word jokes, trick questions, riddles  · Simultaneous bilinguals: learn and hear more than one language from birth on  · Sequential bilinguals: learn second language later  · Subtractive bilinguals: cut off from family language as they are emerged in the second language. Children are caught because they have not had time to master the first language Developmental Sequences  · Grammatical morphemes: o Roger brown said that they develop in sequences (5) kids who have mastered the bottom of the list was sure to have mastered the top. o Order of acquisition o Longitudinal study: over a period of time  · Negation: learn to deny, reject, disagree with and refuse something o Stage one: first neg, usually expressed by the word â€Å"no†in a simple sentence o Stage 2: utterances g...
Tuesday, March 3, 2020
How to Perform the Mohs Hardness Test
How to Perform the Mohs Hardness Test Identifying rocks and minerals relies heavily on chemistry, but most of us dont carry around a chem lab when were outside, nor do we have one to take rocks back to when we come home. So, how do you identify rocks? You gather information about your treasure to narrow down the possibilities. Its helpful to know the hardness of your rock. Rock hounds often use the Mohs test to estimate the hardness of a sample. In this test, you scratch an unknown sample with a material of known hardness. Heres how you can perform the test yourself. Difficulty: EasyTime Required: mere seconds Heres How: Find a clean surface on the specimen to be tested.Try to scratch this surface with the point of an object of known hardness, by pressing it firmly into and across your test specimen. For example, you could try to scratch the surface with the point on a crystal of quartz (hardness of 9), the tip of a steel file (hardness about 7), the point of a piece of glass (about 6), the edge of a penny (3), or a fingernail (2.5). If your point is harder than the test specimen, you should feel it bite into the sample.Examine the sample. Is there an etched line? Use your fingernail to feel for a scratch, since sometimes a soft material will leave a mark that looks like a scratch. If the sample is scratched, then it is softer than or equal in hardness to your test material. If the unknown was not scratched, it is harder than your tester.If you are unsure of the results of the test, repeat it, using a sharp surface of the known material and a fresh surface of the unknown.Most people dont carry around examples of all ten levels of the Mohs hardness scale, but you probably have a couple of points in your possession. If you can, test your specimen against other points to get a good idea of its hardness. For example, if you scatch your specimen with glass, you know its hardness is less than 6. If you cant scratch it with a penny, you know its hardness is between 3 and 6. The calcite in this photo has a Mohs hardness of 3. Quartz and a penny would scratch it, but a fingernail would not. Tips: Try to collect examples of as many hardness levels as you can. You can use a fingernail (2.5), penny (3), a piece of glass (5.5-6.5), a piece of quartz (7), steel file (6.5-7.5), sapphire file (9). What You Need: unknown specimenobjects of known hardness (e.g., coin, fingernail, glass)
Saturday, February 15, 2020
Social and Physical Benefits of Parks and Recreation Space Research Paper
Social and Physical Benefits of Parks and Recreation Space - Research Paper Example r, is not always the case in the country because many parks continue to suffer from lack of essential recreational facilities or over-emphasis on the natural environment at the expense of modern park facilities for sports and other modern forms of recreation (Godbey et al., 2008). The major problem is that irrespective of the relative development of many other public facilities in urban areas in the country, recreational parks still remain largely underdeveloped and traditional. The lack of modern facilities and other incentives in parks is keeping many people especially of the young generation from sufficiently utilizing these essential public spaces. 1.2 Research Questions This study was aimed at answering the following questions; 1) What is the role of recreational parks in urban neighborhoods in the area of study? 2) Is there optimum utilization of recreational parks in the area? 3) What are the challenges facing recreational parks in the study area? 4) What steps can be taken to modernize recreational parks for optimum value to the communities they serve? 1.3 Purpose of Study The purpose of this paper is to investigate the social and physical benefits of parks and urban green recreation spaces in the United States. The study involves comparative investigation of a number of public parks in residential neighborhoods of Los Angeles whereby various essential parameters of the parks are studied. This includes space allocated for the parks, facilities within the parks and the space allocated to each of the facilities, the number of people utilizing the parks and their mix in terms of age and race. The study also includes other characteristics related to the parks including issues such as crime and health. 2.0 Literature Review In view of the importance of parks as... The purpose of this paper is to investigate the social and physical benefits of parks and urban green recreation spaces in the United States. The study involves comparative investigation of a number of public parks in residential neighborhoods of Los Angeles whereby various essential parameters of the parks are studied. This includes space allocated for the parks, facilities within the parks and the space allocated to each of the facilities, the number of people utilizing the parks and their mix in terms of age and race. The study also includes other characteristics related to the parks including issues such as crime and health.In view of the importance of parks as areas for recreation and environmental conservation, many studies are increasingly being carried out to highlight their physical and social benefits to the society as well as improve their management.Urban nature in the form of parks, forests, and green belts, and its components such as trees and water, positively impacts the environment and ecology of a region. It accomplishes â€Å"important environmental services such as air and water purification, the wind and noise filtering, and microclimate stabilization†. Thus, parks promote physical health by providing green spaces and fresh air for exercising and walking and increase social well-being through opportunities for interacting with neighbors and peers at a shared, common location. The social and psychological services of parks and recreation are vital for the livability of modern cities.
Sunday, February 2, 2020
The European Union Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
The European Union - Essay Example The European countries have a historic distaste for Americans and therefore, the nations do not want to do business with the superpower. The European need to safeguard their national and cultural boundaries compelled them to form a coalition that goes by the name of European Union. The member nations are having a common currency that they are using to fight the supremacy of American dollar. The origins of European Union are stemming from the prehistoric grudge which is present in Americans and Europeans for ages. The nation of England refused to join EU because of its close and friendly ties with America but presently, the nation is going through the rough times as it is alone in the international community of nations. The functions of European Union include facilitation of trade activities and mitigating national level disputes within member nations. The holistic purpose of the body is to help the region in becoming self sufficient and free from influence of America. The economic development and growth are the names of forces that can assist any nation or group of nations in the process of upholding their cultural and societal values. Rest of the world is busy in adapting their values in order to reflect more degree of Americanization. The nations of Europe are not willing to do that and because of this reason, they have created the featured institution. The European Union also governs defense agreements and renders help to distressed nations as well. The structure of the EU is not solid in nature and its offices are scattered across various cities in the European sector. The strategic leadership and direction is provided by the committees of European parliament. Nevertheless, the European parliament has been developed with the help of providing adequate representation to each and every member nation. The idea of EU is a practical application of pooling all resources and building synergetic relations and linkages. The European Union is a
Saturday, January 25, 2020
Pollen and Stigma Interaction in Plants
Pollen and Stigma Interaction in Plants Introduction Cells of multicellular organisms must communicate not only for development to occur after fertilization but also for successful survival and reproduction of the offspring. There are different forms of signals that cells can received and the signal being received is either from another cell or from change in the environment surrounding the cell. Communication between cells is therefore either chemical or environmental driven where plants usually use chemicals for signaling. Pollination and then fertilization process of flowering plants involves complex events with highly regulated cell-cell interactions and signaling between the pollen and the pistil. The success depends on series of events such as delivery of pollen to a stigma, pollen hydration, germination, growth through the pistil to the ovary, and, finally, fertilization [10, 11]. In a compatible pollination, pollen grains that have arrived on the stigmatic surface will easily undergo the three initial steps: adhesion, hydration and germination to the stigmatic cells form pollen tubes. The actively growing pollen tubes are often capable of penetrating the stigmatic cell walls to grow down through the style and finally reach the ovary to deliver sperm for fertilization. In self-incompatible pollination, these steps may be blocked having recognized as pollen from related plant source. In doing so out-crossing is favored between unrelated individual plants there by inbreeding related problems like in breeding depression minimized. Therefore, understanding of pollen to stigma compatibility and self incompatibility is fundamental for pollination and fertilization in plants in general and for plant breeding in particular. To this end, the mechanism of pollen to stigma interaction which determines compatibility or self incompatibility is reviewed. Compatibility and Self incompatibility The first artificial pollination date back to third century though not recognized by scientists until 1682 when stamens of the flower as the male organ and the pollen as necessary for fruit production are known in science [9]. Later in 1824, an Italian scientist observed that pollen tube on stigma and he later anticipated that the pollen tube carried the sperm cells to the ovule for fertilization. After 17th century, the maternal involvement in embryology became clear and several basic researches have been undergoing in the last three decades which contributed a lot to science in the area of pollination and fertilization. Commonly, pollen and stigma from distant species are not compatible while there is 30 to 50 % of flowering plant showed self incompatibility [19]. In a compatible pollen-pistil interaction, all steps from pollen capture and adhesion to the final entry of the pollen tube into the ovule and discharge of the pollen grain is complete, resulting in double fertilization to form zygote and endosperm. Self incompatibility occurs when pollen tube dies if at all germinates on stigma of the same plant while pollen of the same species from different plant can germinate and produce functional pollen tube on stigma [2]. The self pollen rejection response can occur at any stage between pollen contact to stigma and pollen tube growth in the stigma which results no ovule fertilization and embryo development. This phenomenon enabled todays flowering plant to exist successfully in different environment. Genetically, such self incompatibility is classified as gametophytic and sporophytic [7, 10, 11]. Gametophytic self incompatibility is common in binucleate pollen which is characteristics of wet stigma whereas sporophytic self incompatibility is the case of trinucleat pollen and it is characteristics of dry stigma [1]. Nonetheless, examples of exceptions for this correlation are grasses with dry stigma and three nuclei exhibiting gametophytic; hetromorphic self incompatibility in some species which is rare in occurrence arises due to two or three flower morphs exist in population. Among these three, gametophytic is more common although detail study at molecular level is yet to be made. It is agreed that the stigma type and micro-ecology are influential to the nature of stigma-pollen interaction rather than the type of self incompatibility [6]. It is also reported that gametophytic self incompatibility occur when incompatible pollen tube is in side of style whereas sporophytic occur m ost of the time before a pollen tube penetrate the stigma [6]. Again exception is due to poppy and grasses in which gametophytic and stigmatic inhibition of incompatible pollen occur. Stigma structure Stigma in general is classified as dry and wet type which is correlated with pollen structure. Species with dry stigma possess pollen having three nuclei while those with wet stigma are with two nuclei pollen [6]. The surface cell of wet type releases secretion with proteins, polysaccharides, lipids, and pigment while the dry stigma type is with intact surface cells covered by cell wall, a waxy cuticle, and a proteinaceous pellicle [3]. The secretion is primarily lipidic or aqueous and carbohydrate-rich. Both secretions contain a wide range of protein and found to be available on stigma in later development internal from the reservoirs and vesicular activity at the stigma epidermis. In dry stigma where there is no stigmatic secretion, initial adhesion of pollen to stigma depends on the pollen wall. Tryphine, lipid-rich pollen coating, is found to be important in adhesion to the dry stigma. Stigma-pollen specificity The fate of pollen grain on stigma depends on the type of stigma (wet or dry) on which pollen lands. The very first step of pollination, adhesion of pollen on stigma, occurs on wet stigma fully with out discrimination because the availability of liquid surface is the only requirement. The surface of such stigma is with carbohydrate and lipid rich secretions that hydrate pollen none selectively as a result of this, the incompatible pollen is prevented at later stage of development. However, adhesion of pollen to dry surface stigma type is species specific in the way that only pollen from specific species is allowed to adhere and get hydration. Pollen type unrecognized by stigma is not allowed to deplete the female tissue resource for further development. Self incompatible specificity determinants were identified both in pollen and stigma. To pollen side, the gene called SP11/SCR (S-LOCUS CYSTEINE-RICH) is responsible for specificity which is completely expressed during pollen developm ent and understood to encode cysteine-rich protein. The stigmatic s-locus linked molecule which is self incompatible determinant is called S-locus receptor Kinase (SRK) [18]. This female determinant of self incompatible is located in plasma membrane. Another determinant which does not directly affects specificity is S-locus glycoprotein. This soluble protein located in the cell wall only contributes to increase the strength of self incompatibility phenotype. This first step of pollination is divided in to Pollen capture, pollen stigma cross linking and pollen hydration. Pollen capture requires nothing than exine wall and it is free from lipids and proteins [21]. In the cross linking phase lipids, carbohydrates, and proteins from each side (stigma and pollen) mix to generate the adhesive forces. In the pollen hydration stage pollen receive the nutrients and liquid required to activate metabolism and initiate pollen tube elongation. In contrast to flowers with wet stigma where pollen grains are surrounded by stigmatic exudates flowing easily into pollen grains, fluid movement in dry stigma is not passive and usually depends on the conversion of pollen coat at the point of stigma contact. Hence, for successful pollen capture, diffusion of extracellular pollen coat along the stigma cells and then pollen hydration, pollen-stigma signaling is required. Pollen-stigma signaling Communication of plant cells are either molecules or physical (environmental) that one cell sensing on the neighboring cell may affected in different ways such as inhibiting the cells growth. There are different classes of molecules that are involved in signaling. These molecules are located either in the extracellular surface or within the underlying cell walls. The signal molecules can be ions or metabolites one cell supplies for another; can be hormones or they can be cell wall bound macromolecules. The source of these molecules is both from stigma and pollen grain. Pollen grains consists the inner layer cell wall called intine and the outer network cell wall called exine. The inner pollen cell wall is mainly cellulose while the outer pollen cell wall is rich in sporopollenin, a highly stable, mixed polymer containing long-chain fatty acids and phenolics [21]. Factors affecting adhesion of pollen to stigma is not known; however it was indicated that adhesion in Arabidopsis is exine dependant more than pollen coat [14, 15, 20]. Lipids, as medium of water up take in pollen hydration, is provided by the stigma and pollen coat. In some species where stigma exudate is mainly aqueous, the significance of lipids for pollen-stigma interaction is not determined but lipids are present in the pollen kit which still indicates the importance of lipids. In addition to lipid, glycine rich protein from pollen coat plays role in pollen hydration. Next to hydration is germination in which the pollen tube grows into the cell wall of the papillae toward the transmitting tissue. Germination is mainly regulated by Rop, a member of GTPase large family of hydrolase enzymes that can bind and hydrolyze guanosine triphosphate [10]. Research finding in Arabidopsis indicated that Rop1 over expression in wild type helps in pollen germination while rop1 mutant inhibits pollen germination [8]. Germination on the stigma means pollen tubes initiated in an Extra Cellular matrix (ECM) that is usually a combination of both pollen coat secretions and stigmatic exudates. In stigma type of Solanaceae, stigmatic lipids are found to be essential for pollen tube growth toward the style by creating a gradient of water. In other stigma type like that of lily, pollen tubes must be guided in the style. It was indicated that peptide stigmatic secretion of lily is involved in pollen tube guidance in the style [10]. Fertilization next to pollination is achieved after the tight control mechanisms operation that restricts mating of inter and intra species. As described above, fertilization in flowering plants needs to be in a well cellular coordination so that the sperm cells which are devoid of flagella go through flower tissues towards the ovules. The internal signaling networks regulating pollen tube growth and development in flowering plants is highly conserved. However, no pollen-stigma signaling pathway reported so far that is common between species with wet and dry stigmas. Even with in these two broad divisions, there appeared to be differences in the ways that pollen and stigma interact to create compatibility. However, regardless of the type of stigma, pollen-stigma interactions in general requires lipid at the pollen-stigma interface, water as initial directional cue for pollen tube growth , and small cysteine-rich proteins are involved. Molecular basis of self incompatibility As described above self incompatibility is the means of preventing inbreeding and a tool for species diversity. Self-incompatibility is genetically controlled which depends on a number of complex cellular interactions between the self-incompatible pollen and stigma. The way Self-incompatibility works in rejecting self incompatible pollen varies greatly from species to species. The self-incompatibility system in some plants is morphological in which flowering plants produce distinct flowers in such a way that the positions of the reproductive organs within a flower create an extra barrier in addition to the existing barrier within species [2]. In some species, the system is caused by the phenotype of the pollen not morphological character of the flower. The self incompatibility in flowers of the same morphological character is genetically controlled by S-locus and as mentioned earlier, classified as gametophytic and sporophytic. In the gametophytic systems, the self-incompatibility phenotype of the pollen is determined by is determined by its own haploid genotype where the developing pollen synthesizes its own pollen S product, whereas in sporophytic self-incompatibility systems, the self-incompatible behavior of the pollen is determined by the parental genotype. Brassicaceae from mustard family is an example of Sporophytic type of self incompatibility. The important gene product called serinethreonine kinase (SRK) interact with peptid ligand cysteine-rich protein (SCR) which creates signals that lead to rejection of self pollen [10]. Molecular mechanisms are unknown but it was indicated that ARC1, a novel U-box protein that binds to the SRK kinase domain, found to be effector for SRK [16, 17]. It was indicated that a component of hetro-oligomeric protien complex, Exo70A1, interacts with ARC1 which determines the fate of pollen up on arrival on stigma. In transgenic Brassica and Arabidopsis thaliana, the loss of Exo70A1 resulted rejection of pollen by stigma which were compatible in non transgenic [13]. Gametophytic self incompatibility is widespread system of self incompatibility. The system in Papaveraceae (poppy family) is and the Solanaceae (tobacco family) are examples of gametophytic self incompatibility. In poppy, small S-proteins secr eted by the stigma interact with the S-gene product in the pollen tube, causing the capture of incompatible pollen. Growing pollen tubes are known to have high concentration of Ca+2. This concentration is rapidly decreased in self incompatible pollen indicating the origin the first arrest of pollen tube [4]. The self incompatibility in Solanaceae is that the protein from S-gene is ribonucleases inhibitor that recognizes and inhibits S- ribonucleases in incompatible pollen. Conclusion For successful pollination and fertilization, pollen grain should travels all the way to ovule in which pistil acts as both facilitator and barrier. It facilitates by providing guidance and nutrients but it also creates barrier that rejects incompatible pollen. This biological function is highly regulated involving several gene products. Flowering plants are the most successful on earth in terms of the number of species and level of diversity of forms and ecological niches. Due to the fact that compatibility and self incompatibility system is the base for genetic variability and species boundary maintenance, studies in advanced level need to be continued. Studies at molecular level that address determinants of pollination and fertilization will contributor in understanding the basis of species barriers that maintain the enormous diversity seen in flowering plants.
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